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Bilingual Beats Spanish - Green Collection

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Product Details

PLEASE NOTE: This download will only work if you do it from a COMPUTER, not on your phone. Then you can transfer it to your Android or iPhone.

To get the album directly into your iPhone click HERE


1. The full collection in high quality MP3 format

2. The Cover for the Album for you to print at home if you want to

3. The image for you to print and glue to the CD if you want to


The "Bilingual Beats Green Collection" is our first Spanish song collection. The MP3 Collection includes 25 songs in Spanish: our first 20 original songs and 5 Spanish traditional songs. The singers (Ismael Sanchez and Rocío Parrilla) are native Spanish musicians who also participated in the composition of the songs.

  1. Bienvenida (so-called "Hola" by all children and parents)
  2. Al parque voy
  3. Arcoiris
  4. La canción de las vocales
  5. Chime-chimenea
  6. Come fruta
  7. Debajo un botón
  8. Del uno al diez
  9. Duérmete
  10. El corro de la patata
  11. El juego del chirimbolo
  12. El pirata Patapalo
  13. Estaciones rumberas
  14. Hasta mañana
  15. Los pajaritos vuelan
  16. Mamá pata
  17. Mi cara
  18. Nana nanita
  19. Perico
  20. Rompopón
  21. Sol solecito
  22. Tengo mucho sueño
  23. Vuela dragón
  24. Zapa-zapatea
  25. ¡Adiós, amigos!

We would like to give children the opportunity to listen to different music styles, tonalities and modal systems, so that their preferences can be broaden. Hence this song collection includes music styles such as rock n' roll, tango, pop, rumba, medieval modes, etc.

If you want to learn more about our programme and how to get a FREE CLASS in London, CLICK HERE

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